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Lights Out, Planet On: 8 Things you can do this Earth Hour

Welcome to the final episode of our MARCHing for Nature series. Today, we're gearing up for Earth Hour – that special hour when communities worldwide pause, dim their lights, and unite to show love for our planet through climate action. At Eco Cheeks, sustainability is our passion, and Earth Hour symbolises our unwavering commitment to it. So, grab your reusable water bottle, cosy up in your favourite sustainable hoodie, and let's explore how you can join our Earth Hour pledge for a sustainable future!

Let's Shed Some Light on Earth Hour

Earth Hour is like a global "lights off" party organised by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), where people from all corners of the world come together to switch off non-essential lights and appliances for one hour, typically from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. local time on the last Saturday of March. It started in Sydney, Australia, back in 2007, and this movement has grown into something truly massive, engaging millions across over 190 countries and territories to conserve energy

As we prepare to celebrate
Earth Hour, Eco Cheeks invites you to take part with us. Here are some simple yet impactful ways you can join us:

  • Unplug and Connect: Take this opportunity to disconnect from digital devices and reconnect with nature, loved ones, or yourself. Turn off gadgets and spend quality time together outdoors, enjoying the serenity of the Earth Hour experience.
    Eco Cheeks’ Earth Hour Pledge | Eco Cheeks
  • Lights Out, Party On: Dim the lights and embrace the darkness as you host an Earth Hour celebration. Whether it's a cosy candlelit dinner or a backyard campfire,  make Earth Hour a fun and memorable climate action to show your commitment to the planet.

  • Starry Night Gazing: Turn off all lights in and around your home, or better yet get away from from brightness of the town lights, and look up at the stars. This way, you can see more stars and planets, and it's a reminder of how incredibly awesome our universe is.
    Eco Cheeks’ Earth Hour Pledge | Eco Cheeks
  • Glow & Dine by Candlelight: Gather your friends or family for a cosy meal lit by candles. It's like having a mini-adventure in your own home! By using candles instead of lights, you conserve energy and save electricity and create a cool atmosphere. Plus, it's a great excuse to have some quality time with the people you care about.

  • Nighttime Nature Trek: Take advantage of Earth Hour by going outside for some nighttime fun. Whether it's a nighttime hike, a bike ride, or just a walk under the stars, it's like having an adventure in the dark! Not only will you take part in climate action, but you'll also get to appreciate nature in a whole new way, and it's a great way to get some fresh air.

  • Eco-Friendly Fun Fest: Spend Earth Hour doing things that conserve energy, like making crafts, playing board games, or telling stories. It's like going back to the good ol' days when people entertained themselves without screens! Plus, you'll get to flex your creativity muscles and have fun with friends and family.
  • Neighbourhood Night Cleanup Crew: Get together with your neighbours and clean up your neighbourhood. It's like a big team effort to make your community cleaner and greener! You'll be picking up trash and making your neighbourhood look awesome, all while hanging out with friends and making a difference.

  • Unplug & Zen Out: Take some time to chill out and think about how awesome the Earth is. It's like pressing pause on all the craziness of everyday life and just enjoying some peace and quiet. Whether you meditate, journal, or just sit and stare at the sky, it's a chance to appreciate the world around you.
    Eco Cheeks’ Earth Hour Pledge | Eco Cheeks

Sustainable Squad Goals

Use Earth Hour as a kickstart to making some positive climate action in your life. It's like making a promise to yourself to be a little bit kinder to the planet every day! Whether it's to conserve energy, recycling more, or eating less meat, every little bit helps make the world a better place!

Keep The Pledge Alive 

Earth Hour goes beyond simply turning off lights for an hour; its essence lies in raising awareness and inspiring ongoing action to address global environmental challenges. It's a call to action, urging us to make lasting changes.To fully embrace this worldwide movement, have fun and meaningful green resolutions to shrink your carbon footprint. Share the eco-love and encourage others to join in too! Promise yourself to handle non-renewable resources with care as part of your commitment to a brighter, sustainable future.

From all of us at Eco Cheeks, thank you for joining us on this eco-adventure – let's keep the party going, one Earth Hour at a time!

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