How Unbleached Bamboo Toilet Paper Changes Lives: Eco Cheeks Reviews
So let's dive into some of the toilet paper tales from customers that had us both laughing and feeling incredibly grateful to provide an environmentally-friendly product that is litterally life changing.
From Bladder Battlefield to Bathroom Bliss
One customer's story really struck a chord with us. They had been dealing with agonising bladder issues and chronic pain for years, never imagining the culprit could be something as mundane as conventional toilet paper. As they explained:
"I had health issues with my bladder with ongoing pain and irrigation. It wasn't until someone mentioned that it could be my toilet paper. Even though I was using recycled toilet paper, the chemicals used in this process could be causing my health issues. I have changed to Eco Cheeks unbleached bamboo toilet paper and within a week my symptoms had all but disappeared. I would scream this from the rooftops...change your loo paper, change your life!"
Another customer suffering from interstitial cystitis, a painful bladder condition, found sweet relief just as profound after making the simple switch to Eco Cheeks' unbleached Bamboo toilet paper:
Can you imagine finally finding relief from years of suffering and discomfort, all because you switched to an unbleached, chemical-free bamboo toilet paper brand? We're doing a happy dance just thinking about it!
This customer's message is one we'll never forget:
"It may be a simple thing and some people may think it is silly, but until you have experienced the discomfort that I had and changing as something as simple as toilet paper...don't laugh."
The Princess and the Pruned Petals
Then there was this hilarious-but-relatable gem from a self-proclaimed "toilet paper elitist" who had avoided recycled or natural toilet paper like the plague...until a bad experience with her usual "princess soft" brand gave her quite the uncomfortable awakening down under:"After a change in manufacturing to my normal, princess soft, hyper white toilet paper resulted in me having unhappy lady parts, I knew I needed to try and find something that was bleach-free as well as unscented and soft. I didn't have high hopes but was over trying to walk like a cowboy so my bits didn't start an underpants on fire and found this most natural of natural toilet papers - Eco Cheeks unbleached bamboo."
We have to give her props for that wildly descriptive and unforgettable analogy - there's no mistaking just how miserable she was before making the switch! Fortunately, Eco Cheeks' environmentally-friendly unbleached Bamboo toilet paper was able to save the day and restore peace to her "lady garden":
"A month in and my bits are happy, my husband is happy and I'm happy. It doesn't lint up, it cleans really well (helloooo single wipes, less toilet paper and less mess), it's so soft I can't believe I put off trying it for this long and it's strong...Don't be a toilet paper racist, ditch the white today and do your lady garden a favour with Eco Cheeks!"
We couldn't have said it better ourselves! Sometimes you have to let go of long-held biases (even against something as ridiculous as toilet paper colour) to finally find the solution you've been searching for.
Sweet Relief After Years of Irritation
Of course, no collection of life-changing toilet paper stories would be complete without someone who finally found lasting relief from intense irritation and allergic reactions after discovering Eco Cheeks' bamboo TP:
"This is awesome for any females out there that have that constant itch and don't know why! It was the bleach and other nasties they put in ordinary toilet paper...this unbleached bamboo brand I have used for 6 months has stopped all my allergies...finally found the answer after years of steroid creams, don't have to worry anymore - no more creams, no more itch! Fantastic product thanks Eco Cheeks."
After enduring years of discomfort and having to rely on steroid creams and medication for some semblance of relief, this customer was finally able to ditch the drugs and creams for good. All thanks to removing the irritants found in conventional toilet paper from her routine with Eco Cheeks' environmentally-friendly bamboo toilet paper. Simple, safe, affordable AND effective - that's music to our ears!
Changing Lives, One Roll at a Time
While these few stories really stood out and gave us a chuckle, they're just a small sampling of the many tales from customers who experienced profound positive changes and benefits after making the switch to Eco Cheeks unbleached bamboo toilet paper.From improved reproductive and vaginal health, to resolving rashes, allergies, and irritation in kids and adults alike - it's amazing how something so basic can radically improve lives. Customers share how Eco Cheeks' environmentally-friendly bamboo products have helped with conditions like endometriosis, lichen sclerosus, recurring UTIs and more.

At the end of the day, we feel incredibly blessed to be a brand providing an affordable, environmentally-friendly toilet paper product that is 100% free from harsh chemicals, dyes, fragrance and irritants. Knowing that people are quite literally improving their quality of life, health, and well-being by using our unbleached bamboo toilet paper is one of the biggest honours and driving forces behind what we do.
So if you'll excuse us, we're off to take care of a few more "life-changing" toilet paper orders - and eagerly await what sorts of glowing, cheeky reviews come our way next! Don't be afraid to ditch the bleached, chemical-laden, processed stuff and make the switch to Eco Cheeks' simple, natural unbleached bamboo ingredients that will treat your body right. Who knows, you may just experience your own toilet paper transformation!