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Lives in:  Melbourne, Australia

Over or under?:  100% over. No other choice here. I may or may not have changed some in other homes that are under 🤣

Folder or scruncher?: Somewhere in between, nearing on a folder.

Surprising fact about yourself: I have 4 kids including a set of identical twins.

Easiest eco/sustainable tip/swap: Eco Cheeks toilet paper!  But also reusable baking sheets instead of baking paper.

As an interior stylist with a huge avid following, Ash confirms that toilet paper was never a consideration of hers when styling toilets or bathrooms.  Until Eco Cheeks that is!  She is now a big fan and loves the cute packaging, who knew toilet paper could look so good.

When Ash was first introduced to the brand, she was interested to see what it was like, but mostly wondered about the softness considering it wasn’t white.  But now when asked what her favourite things are about the product she says ‘I love that it is good for the environment as well as us. It is also amazing quality and its sooooo soft! My kids also prefer it.’ 

It’s certainly important to be getting the tick of approval from the whole house, so that’s a win for Eco Cheeks.

Thanks for the love and support Ash @ashleejayinteriors 
